2nd Dan Black Belt, Stephen Huff receives US Navy promotion

Posted 07/24/19 – Senior Master Michael Huff
Vets from Rodgers Institute
Rodgers Institute would like to recognize the following vets.
Mr. Burt Cox enlisted in the Marines and served from 1968 to 1971 during the Vietnam War. He did 1 tour in Vietnam and received the Purple Heart Medal for injuries sustained while serving. Mr. Cox became a radio operator and served as squadron leader. Mr. Cox left the Marines with the rank of Corporal.

Brad Glanz served in the US Air Force from 1991 to 2013. Brad flew F-16’s through numerous tours of duty which include Iraq, Afghanistan and many other deployments. Brad retired from the Air Force with the Rank of Major.

Posted 06/11/19 – Junior Grand Master Rodgers
Service to our Country

Sergeant First Class(SFC) Fuhs was born and raised in Grand Rapids Michigan. He enlisted in the United States Army as a Supply Specialist on November 16, 2002. He completed Basic Training in 2003 at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. SFC Fuhs completed Advance Individual Training in June 2003, earning Distinguish Honor Graduate at the United States Army Quartermaster Center and School located at Fort Lee, Virginia. He completed the Civil Affairs Specialist Course and graduated on the Commandants List in August 2003.
SFC Fuhs has served as a Detachment Supply Sergeant, Civil Affairs Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO), and Civil Affairs Team Sergeant, while assigned to units within the United States Army Reserve. At the end of three consecutive tours in Iraq, SFC Fuhs transitioned to the Active Component of the United States Army, and has served as a Property Book NCO, Brigade S4 NCO, Brigade Facilities NCOIC, Battalion S3 Assistant Operations NCO, a Civil Affairs NCO, Civil Affairs Team Sergeant, and as a Rear Detachment Commander. He has completed six real world deployments; three in Iraq, one in Afghanistan, and two in Operation Enduring Freedom Trans-Sahara (Africa).
SFC Fuhs’s units of assignments are Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC), 415TH Civil Affairs Battalion, HHC, 426TH Civil Affairs Battalion, HHC, 401ST Civil Affairs Battalion, B Company, 401ST Civil Affairs Company, HHC, 95TH Civil Affairs Brigade (Airborne), C Company, 91ST Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne), HHC, 91ST Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne). He current unit of assignment is B Company, 91ST Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne).
SFC Fuhs’s military and civilian education includes: Airborne, Warrior Leaders Course, Advance Leaders Course, Army Combative Level 1, Combat Lifesavers Course, Military Mobile Force Protection Course, Unit Supply Specialist Course, and the Civil Affairs Qualification Course. He is a graduate of Forest Hills Northern High School class of 1990. He earned his Black Belt in the first degree in the martial art style of Tae Kwon Do. He is a graduate of Grand Valley State University class of 1996 with a Baccalaureate of Science in History and Political Science.
SFC Fuhs’s military awards and decorations include: the Bronze Star Medal with Oak Leave Cluster (OLC), Purple Heart Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with OLC , Army Commendation Medal with three OLC, Army Achievement Medal with three OLC, Valorous Unit Citation with one OLC (awarded to the 415TH Civil Affairs Battalion and B Company 401ST Civil Affairs Battalion), Meritorious Unit Citation with two OLC (awarded to the 415TH Civil Affairs Battalion, 426TH Civil Affairs Battalion, and the 401ST Civil Affairs Battalion), Army Superior Unit Award (awarded to the 95TH Civil Affairs Brigade (Airborne), Army Good Conduct Medal third award, National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal with one Campaign Star, Iraq Campaign Medal with four Campaign Stars, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal with M device and numeral two device, Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon with numeral two device, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon with numeral five device, Reserve Overseas Training Ribbon, Combat Action Badge, Basic Parachutist Badge, Drivers Badge, and German Parachutist Badge. He is also the receipiant of the Order of the Spur.
He is married to the former Amy Lynn Green of Pittsburg, PA and they have a son Jack George Fuhs and a daughter, Rachel Elizabeth Fuhs (deceased)
The Story Behind the Coins
The coins were a gift to me from Some South Korean Non Commission Officers that I meet while serving in Iraq. The South Korean Army forces were stationed in the town of Erbil in Northern Iraq in 2004. These soldiers were responsible for helping the Iraqis citizens rebuild roads and water systems. As a Civil Affairs Soldier working humanitarian aid missions in the same area; we had the opportunity to work with these fine soldiers.
During one of these joint missions, a conversation about Tae Kwon Do came up between me and these Korean NCO’s. I mentioned that I had earned my black belt in Tae Kwon Do. They asked who my grand master was and I told them Tae Zee Park. They know the name and we talked about Tae Kwon Do and at the end of the conversation, I was given two sets of coins. One set was for me and the second set was to be given to Grand Master Park upon my return home. I returned in November 2004 and immediately returned to Iraq for my second combat tour in December 2004.
The coins were entrusted to my father before I departed, who in turn entrusted the set to Mr. Barss for safe keeping until I returned and could present them to Grand Master Park. Now ten years after first receiving these coins from some very respectful Korean NCO’s, the time has came for the coins to move on to the intended recipient.
With the passing of my brother this spring, Mr. Barss and I were able to talk about these coins and how best to present them. My ability to do so in person seemed impossible; as I have an occupation that has me ready to leave on a moment’s notice and I am normally away for several months at a time either to the Middle East or Africa. So I asked Mr. Barss to present this coin set on my behalf.
To Grand Master Park and Mr. Barss I wish to thank you both for the guidance you provided. I carry the life lessons of your teachings with me today and as best as I can; pass them on to others. You both have had a very large part of me being successful today. You taught me resilience and patience. You passed on the passion of teaching to me and I use it to teach others. I thank you
This coin set is one of less than 2000 coin sets that were produced specifically for the ROK army unit that was serving in Iraq. Today you hold a very special set that are very limited and a little piece of history. I hope you find joy and pride in receiving them like I did when I was given them 10 years ago and to know you are not forgotten by me and others like me.
Very Respectfully
SFC Scott Fuhs
1 Dan
Posted 07/16/14